1. My middle name is Starr. I hated it growing up because I thought it was weird, but now I like it.
2. I met my husband through work. We worked at a shipping company for title insurance companies. I worked in customer service, Nader was a driver.
3. In high school I listened to rap and R&B....that was after my Bon Jovi stage and my New Kids on the Block phase....and of course before getting saved! Thank you Jesus for rescuing me from the Gangsta Rap!!!
4. If I could have any talent it would be singing. I love to sing and enjoy music, I just don't do it well!
5. I sometimes have a sarcastic sense of humor so hopefully I will not offend anyone and most of you that know about my sarcastic side, also have a sarcastic sense of humor.
6. I've lived in California 99.9% of my life. I lived in Oregon for a short while when I was a baby.
7. I am horrible at percentages, fractions and decimals so #6 is probably not very accurate...but close enough.
So there you have it. 7 things you probably didn't know, and probably didn't care to know about me!!!
People with the gift of sarcasm are my favorite. People keep telling me it's not a gift but I am sure it is. Thanks for sharing.
Yes, I am happy. It's 'bout time you got this done.
Yeah, if I had a name like Starr, I wouldn't tell anyone either...oops! too late. ;)
Yep, you Michelle are one of my sarcastic friends!!! That's why I love you!
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