So Friday I babysat for Michelle and took some really cute pics. Here is Jaelyn looking in adoration at Christian....young love....

Me reading to Christian and Jaelyn......

Me and my buddy!

Ok is she not the cutest baby ever!!!!! Look at that gorgeous smile!

Jaelyn in her excersaucer. She really likes it.

Here's another picture of Jaelyn in.......
Oh, wait. That's Christian!
I told you you were trying to steal him. :) Should I be suspicious that he calls you Mama??
These two are so stinking cute. I want to kiss both of their little cheeks.
really adorable kids!
anyway, i would like to invite you to visit my blog. would be great to hear your thoughts on my posts. it's my way of blogging and at the same time learning from different cultures - views and experiences shared by real people.
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